Creating Ever Lasting
Livelihoods for
Human Rights Promotion and Peace Building
Livestock Health and Management
Natural Resource Management
Water Sanitation and Hygiene
Who we are
Matheniko Development Forum (MADEFO) was established in December 1998 as a local indigenous organization to support Karimojong pastoralists to improve their livelihoods. MADEFO is a legal entity registered with the National NGO Board in 2000 and with the Registrar of Companies in 2001. The organization was formed as a response by the Karimojong civil society experiencing many pressing issues affecting the Karimojong, specifically those living in Matheniko County of Moroto district. Among the issues underlying the formation of MADEFO are pervasive poverty and livelihood insecurity, low human development index, and human rights violations resulting from violent armed conflict and the disarmament programme, the devastating state of the environment and the high rate of illiteracy.
Our Vision
MADEFO envisions an empowered people living in a peaceful and poverty free environment
Projects conducted since Madefo’s formation
People directed benefited from Madefo’s interventions
VSLA and VICOBA groups formed and trained in SACCO management
Peace building and cultural events facilitated
Improved Livestock Health and Production
Healthy animals contribute to the elimination of hunger, to healthy people and to sustainable food production. Madefo contributes to improve animal health to make livestock production more productive and sustainable